American Cave Museum
The nonprofit American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) operates Hidden River Cave and the American Cave Museum as part of our educational initiative to support the protection of caves, karstlands, and groundwater resources.

— William Stolzenburg
Nature Conservancy Magazine May/June 1995

— William Stolzenburg
Nature Conservancy Magazine May/June 1995
American Cave Museum Exhibits
Your visit to Kentucky Cave Country will not be complete without an in-depth look at the fascinating world of caves. Discover the history and science of America’s natural caverns through fun, educational and informative exhibits at the American Cave Museum-the only museum devoted solely to caves in the United States.
Karst Geology
Learn about caves and their formations, sinkholes and the unique issues of living in a karst area.
If you thought cavemen were the only people who used caves in the past, think again. Find out about the vast human history that can be discovered in caves.
The Many Uses of Caves
Throughout history caves have been used for shelter, as a source for water (and in the case of Hidden River Cave-for electricity), food preservation and tourism.
Groundwater Quality
Learn about the issues affecting our most important resource, and what you can do to protect it.
Cave Wildlife
Discover the diversity of life inside caves, and find out about the unique animals that only inhabit the subterranean world.
The Early History of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky Show Cave Wars & Floyd Collins
Kentucky’s cave country is rich in history. Learn how saltpeter was mined from Mammoth Cave during the war of 1812. View historic photos from the Kentucky Show Cave Wars where cave owners competed aggressively to get tourists to visit their caves. These “wars” culminated in the ill-fated cave rescue of Floyd Collins, a cave explorer and owner of Crystal Cave. Floyd’s story captivated the nation in 1925 and today he is memorialized as the “Greatest Cave Explorer Ever Known.”
Join the American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA)!
Hidden River Cave and the American Cave Museum are operated by the nonprofit American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA). Donations and membership dues help support our educational programs and operations at the American Cave Museum and also allow us to sponsor conservation efforts that directly protect and preserve caves and groundwater resources nationally.
Annual and monthly memberships are available for your convenience.
Clicking the join or donate buttons below will take you to our secure membership portal.
Membership Benefits
ACCA members are part of a special group working to preserve one of the most unusual environments on Earth. Your support truly makes a difference.
*Regular Membership ($25) Benefits Include:
- FREE admission to the American Cave Museum
- 20% discount on Hidden River Cave tours and Gift Shop items for Member & Guests
- Discounted rates for special exhibitions or events through our affiliation with the Southeastern Museums Conference - for more information, please visit:
- Reciprocal admission to over 60 museums in the Southeast USA
- Subscription to our quarterly newsletter ACCA News
- voting privileges for election of ACCA Board of Directors
- Opportunities to participate in volunteer projects and educational workshops hosted by the ACCA
- More importantly, you will receive the opportunity to help conserve the fragile and irreplaceable natural caverns and karst areas located throughout America.
*Supporter Membership ($50)
All Regular Membership benefits plus FREE Hidden River Cave tour admission for 1 Member
*Sustainer Membership ($100)
All Regular Membership benefits plus FREE Hidden River Cave tour admission for 1 Member and 1 Guest
*Guarantor Membership ($250), Benefactor Membership ($500), Patron Membership ($1,000), Life Membership
All Regular Membership benefits plus FREE Hidden River Cave tour admission for 1 Member and up to 4 Guests
*Our reservation system does not currently provide a way to include member discounts for tour reservations. If you are a member, please call us at (270) 786-1466 to book your tour. Alternately, you can present your membership card when you arrive.
Please visit the American Cave Conservation Association website for additional donation options and gift membership information.
You can also mail a check or money order (U.S. Funds only) payable to:
American Cave Conservation Association • P.O. Box 409 • Horse Cave, KY 42749
Hidden River Cave & The American Cave Museum are operated by the American Cave Conservation Association,
A National 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Organization.